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Go here to learn about the Oklahoma Community Health Worker Coalition






Capture637919766855784934 Final Report of the Community Health Worker COVID-19 Impact Survey 2022: Oklahoma Results

This report shares the findings of the second iteration of the survey distributed in Oklahoma in March/April 2022. The mixed quantitative/qualitative survey examined CHW experiences and perceptions during the pandemic with a focus on changes to workforce and training needs, and priority needs of CHWs and the communities they serve. This study documented the flexibility of this trusted workforce to serve their communities, CHW knowledge of community needs, and CHW training needs for continued and future public health emergency responses.



Capture637598928172458562   Final Report of the Community Health Worker COVID-19 Impact Survey: Oklahoma Results 

This report shares the findings of the survey distributed in Oklahoma in January 2021. It provides insights into how the COVID-19 pandemic impacted CHWs in Oklahoma both professionally and personally, shares CHW observations about community concerns, and identifies CHW training needs for future public health emergency responses. This study is a replication of the 2020 CHW COVID-19 Impact Survey distributed in Texas during the summer of 2020.


Capture637598918052380566   The Final Report of the Community Health Worker COVID-19 Impact Survey: Texas Results & Methodology

shares the results of the survey distributed in Texas in the summer of 2020. The goal of sharing this report is to support the CHW workforce by (1) Documenting the work of CHWs during the pandemic, (2) Informing future training opportunities, and (3) Preparing CHWs for future public health emergencies.


Resources by, for and about CHWs



chw umbrella CHW 101: National definition and core roles and competencies of CHWs. Find a brief ppt here.  



Capture638271351922716440  Watch this beautiful YouTube video by El Sol Neighborhood Education Center here


   Making the Business Case: Community Health Workers Bridge Health Care Gap


Publications & Presentations


Lederer A, Todd Barrett K, Shorter C, Kenefick HW, Kulik PKG, Morales M, Reinschmidt KM, Shrestha S. Public Health Training Centers’ Support for Community Health Workers: Case Studies of Needs Assessment, Training, and Student Field Placement Initiatives.” Journal of Public Health Management & Practice 2022 September/October;28(5, Supp):S212-S222.  Available the full article here or see this blog on this article in Promoting Your Article on JPHMP Direct.

Reinschmidt KM, Dudubo OO, Shorter CF, Dickens RD, New M, Rask P, Teasdale, TA. A Snapshot of Oklahoma's CHR/CRW Workforce: Results from the Region 6 Training Needs Assessment Survey 2019. Journal of Oklahoma State Medical Association. July/August 2021; 114(4): 173-182.


Cooper-Real R, Billings C, Oliver-Marick M, Reinschmidt KM. Engaging a statewide coalition in policy and workforce development to build a sustainable CHW infrastructure. APHA 2023 Annual Meeting & Expo. Atlanta, GA, Nov. 12-15, 2023. (Oral Presentation)


2024 OPHA Conference: Recap of Our Experience at the 2024 OPHA Conference

Navya Jeldi and Dr. Reinschmidt

Navya Jeldi and Dr. Reinschmidt staffing the OPHTC exhibitor table at the 2024 OPHA conference at Northeastern State University in Broken Arrow, Oklahoma.

This year, the Oklahoma Public Health Training Center (OPHTC) hosted an exhibitor table at the 2024 Oklahoma Public Health Association (OPHA) conference in early November, where Dr. Reinschmidt and I had the opportunity to represent the OPHTC. We discussed our work, shared resources, and engaged with a variety of attendees. Dr. Reinschmidt also served as one of the moderators for the OPHA Community Health Worker (CHW) Section’s panel, facilitating an insightful discussion.

Our exhibitor table showcased the OPHTC website, explaining who we are and what we do, and highlighting our publications on the 2019 needs assessments. We also shared our recent APHA poster on public health student stipends, reflecting on a decade of support for students, and emphasized the 2024-2025 stipend opportunities for students at the OU Hudson College of Public Health (HCOPH)

Click here to read more!

2019 OPHA Conference: A Snapshot of the Oklahoma Community Health Worker Workforce: Results from the Region 6 Training Needs Assessment Survey, 2019 (Poster) 

2019 poster

2018 OPHA Conference: Oklahoma Public Health Training Center (Poster) 

2018 poster

2017 OPHA Conference: Training opportunities available through the Oklahoma Public Health Training Center and the Region 6 South Central Public Health Training Center (Poster)

2017 Poster

Resources in Oklahoma

The Oklahoma State Department of Health has developed videos about CHWs. Please click here to view.

The Oklahoma Intertribal Diabetes Coalition (OIDC) hosts a community health representative (CHR) training each February. Find out more about the OIDC here.