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Student Stipends

The OPHTC offers stipends to Hudson College of Public Health graduate students to complete program requirements such as a practicum, internship, dissertation, or other applied experiences. We announce student stipend opportunities annually during the fall semester. 

“Student stipend” refers to the “placement of a student in a public or nonprofit health agency or organization, particularly one serving under-served areas and populations, to work on a discrete public health project. This placement should provide structured opportunities and/or experiences to allow the student to apply acquired knowledge and skills in a public health practice setting. Field experiences are expected to contribute to the mastery of public health competencies, with a focus on balancing the educational and practice needs of the student with the needs of the community. Field experiences should culminate with a deliverable of a poster presentation or scientific report that must include the following sections: abstract, introduction, methodology, findings, conclusions and discussion.” (

Eligibility Criteria: 

  • Must be a U.S. citizen, non-citizen U.S. national, or foreign national holding a visa permitting permanent residence in the United States.
  • Must be enrolled in a health profession graduate program (MPH, MSPH, DrPH or PhD program) at a CEPH-accredited school or program of public health.


How to Apply

Available Stipend Projects: 

Please review the projects on our stipend flyer. All application materials are due by March 31st, 2025, at midnight (CST). Incomplete applications will not be accepted.


  • Interested students are invited to submit (1) their resume/CV, and either (2a) a rationale of interest in one of the proposed projects, or (2b) a half-page description of the student’s own proposed project that aligns with behavioral health, mental health, opioid abuse or childhood obesity. To apply or to ask questions, please contact
  • Each fall semester, the stipend selection committee – comprised of the OPHTC and its Oklahoma partners – will review and discuss all applications, and will award available stipends based on the completeness, quality, and fit of the application.
  • We will notify successful applicants through an official letter of award.

Forms For Successful Applicants

1. Checklist

2. Student Agreement Form

3. Form A - Student Profile

4. Form B - Objectives

5. Form C - Preceptor Evaluation

6. Form D - Student Evaluation

7. Form E - Completion Form


Field Placement and Faculty-Student Collaborative Guide 

Practicum Handbook


Student Stipend Cohorts

2023-2024 Student Stipend Cohort

  • Jennifer Trejo Rojo, MPH student in Health Promotion Sciences, completed her practicum project with the Oklahoma Community Health Worker Association (OCHWA), a professional organization that aims to unify and empower community health workers (CHWs) and their allies to promote health equity across all Oklahoma communities. Her practicum activities included developing a comprehensive recruitment campaign plan, and recruitment and CHW advocacy materials in both print and digital formats to enhance the professional visibility of CHWs, and highlight their value to public health and their significant impact on health outcomes in Oklahoma. Additionally, she worked on strengthening the organizational structure of OCHWA . 
  • Peter Kim, a doctoral student in Occupational and Environmental Health, worked on a Faculty-Student Collaborative project, assessing heat vulnerability disparities among early childhood children with disabilities in Oklahoma. This research had the potential to significantly impact healthcare, education, and support services for this population. By utilizing data from the U.S. Census and advanced modeling techniques, Peter aimed to identify the factors contributing to the disproportionate effects of heat on these children. The findings provided valuable insights to help policymakers develop targeted interventions and policies that promote equity and improve outcomes for vulnerable populations.
  • Kalyn Neighbors, MPH student in Epidemiology, worked with the Southern Plains Tribal Health Board on evaluating the geographic burden of disease among American Indians in Oklahoma using the Tribal Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance Survey. 


For More Student Stipend Cohorts Click Here

Student Stories of Impact